• Question: What happens to Earth if the moon dies?

    Asked by Bobby troll to Marco on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Marco Esposito

      Marco Esposito answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      If the moon dies, wouldn’t be really a nice thing..:

      Without the Moon, the Earth’s axis of rotation would be much more sensitive to small disturbances caused by the gravity of the planets and the sun. Consequently, the climate would be much more unstable, with icy cold periods alternated with hot weather tips. And the changes would take place abruptly, with disasters and widespread storms.

      In the absence of the moon on the day it would be shorter: could last only 6 hours. The tides produced by the Moon in fact dissipate energy (friction) and as a result the Moon moves away from Earth slowing down a bit ‘rotation, as does a dancer who spins on itself, spreading his arms.
      Without the Moon, the Earth’s axis of rotation would be much more sensitive to small disturbances caused by the gravity of the planets and the sun. Consequently, the climate would be much more unstable, with icy cold periods alternated with hot weather tips. And the changes would take place abruptly, with disasters and widespread storms.

      The tides, which are due in large part to the Moon (but also to the Sun), would be less intense. Revolutionizing the look (and fauna) of coastal areas and estuaries, especially estuaries.

      If there was the moon, we miss a piece of culture and our very identity: there would not be the moon, the poems of Leopardi, the werewolves, the amusement park, science fiction novels like those of Jules Verne (From the Earth to Luna) and HG Wells (the first men on the moon), the lunar colonization plans of NASA, the album the dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd … we could not “want the moon”, nor have the “bad day”

      And…what about the newlyweds without their “honeymoon”??? 😉
