• Question: How long does it take for cells to grow

    Asked by Emma.L to Amanda on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Amanda Barnes

      Amanda Barnes answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      It really depends on the cell type.

      Each cell goes through a cell cycle, where it prepares to divide into 2 cells. On average it takes a cell 24 hours to divide. So if you started with 1 cell, after a week you would have 64 cells.
      Day 1 – 2 – 1 cell splits to 2
      Day 2- 3 – the 2 new cells split into 4 cells
      Day 3 -4 – 4 cells split to 8 cells
      and so on.

      Cells in the early embryo can divide in 30 minutes or less. My cells take 22 – 26 hrs to divide.

      Some cells in the body don’t divide much at all and lay dormant, they may only divide in response to an injury or perhaps only played a role in the body during development.
