• Question: How can owls turn there heads the whole way round but no other animals can

    Asked by Blobzöe to Alex on 16 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Alex Evans

      Alex Evans answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      Owls have evolved twice as many vertebrae (or neck bones) as humans, meaning there is a lot more flexibility and they can spin up to about 270 degrees. They have also adapted extra blood vessels in their neck, so when they spin their head, they don’t crush the blood vessels and stop blood from reaching the brain – this would probably happen to us if we span our heads all the way around!

      They can’t move their eyeballs like we can, so they have to spin their whole head to look around. For owls, it is also important to move be able to change the direction of their ears so they can hear their prey scurrying around on the ground!
