• Question: everyone says scientists are nerds and I don't think that they also say if someone weres glasses your a nerd how do you feel about this and do people say that to you

    Asked by jade to Olivia, Amanda, Alex on 16 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Alex Evans

      Alex Evans answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      I think “nerds” get a bad reputation! When I think of nerds, I tend to think of people that have a really strong interest in something – it can be science or history but also anything else, such as sport or fashion! So I don’t really see it as an insult, it just means that you’re clearly passionate about learning about something!

      I don’t know why people that wear glasses tend to get called nerds more. I wear my contact lenses when I play football or go paintballing, but I’m just too lazy to bother with them every day, so I stick with glasses!
