• Question: do you think humans are still evolving

    Asked by Archie to Alex, Amanda, Marco, Olivia, Sha on 13 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Alex Evans

      Alex Evans answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      In some ways, yes!

      There will be gradual change in the genetic make-up of our species over time, which may result in some changes happening in the future, such as hair colours and eye colours becoming more or less common.

      One of the ways that new species are created through evolution is by natural selection, where certain “good” traits make individual people better at surviving and reproducing. However, as humans, we’ve bypassed natural selection in some ways by improving medicine and technology, which means we’re no longer selecting for just “good” traits, we’re selecting for lots of traits!

      For example, people with really bad eyesight wouldn’t have survived long in prehistoric times, but now we can just get a pair of glasses, which helps us in the short-term, but also means our children might also have bad eyesight!
